Below you will find some of the success stories of people that have searched for unclaimed money for themselves or for others.
Royalty Regained
by Leni Valenta
(Boca Raton,Florida)I’m not talking about getting back a throne. My husband, Dr. Jiri Valenta, has authored several books on international relations. He got a notice form Johns Hopkins University Press that they had lost track of him for awhile. They asked him to look into finding some royalties with the State of Maryland’s unclaimed funds. He got back several hundred dollars.
From Mark
That is great Leni! That just goes to show you no matter who you are or what you do, there is a possibility that money has been lost and is being held by an unclaimed money department.
There is a video on the site with Rebecca Jarvis and Harry Smith where she notifies him that he has unclaimed money being held for him from royalties for television shows that he has appeared on.
This is just another of the many reasons why money goes unclaimed.
Prayers Were Answered – Money Found
by Diane
(Champlin, MN)
I had an awesome experience last Friday .. sent a letter to an Heir – only daughter to an estate ..
first of all, she said that she visited her mothers grave only weeks ago and asked her mother to give her a “sign” that she was thinking of her ..and needed her mothers help ..
my letter happened to come to the daughter of the estate on her mother’s birthday .. she was shocked .. called me and we would meet Friday .. she told me that she really needed $10,000 due to a medical procedure she had to have very soon but could not afford it ..
We met and I advised her of the dividends and stocks her mother had back several years ago worth around $41,000.00 – she began to cry and it was a very touching meeting .. and very rewarding !!! (gave me the goosebumps)
From Mark
That is such a great story!
It’s great when you can make a difference like that in someones life.
Thank you for sharing that.
Unclaimed Money from Coast to Coast
by Jim
Shortly after purchasing and reading the Ultimate Guide To Your Successful Unclaimed Money Business, I decided to familiarize myself with the material by exploring some of the provided links.
Living in Pennsylvania, I clicked on their unclaimed property web site and searched some family names. I soon discovered a claim in the name of a deceased aunt. Since my mother is the preferred surviving decendant, I provided her with a contact phone number and claim info (she doesn’t get around too well on those computer things!) After filling out a couple forms, Mom has a check for over $700 on the way.
A few days later, I decided to check out the link to Washington State, where I have a number of family members. A quick search revealed an unclaimed mortgage escrow fund with my brothers name and past address! Doesn’t get much easier than that. Seems that when he sold his home there and moved to NY, the mortgage co. added the new city/state to to the street line of his address and left the old city/state/zip the same. Little wonder he never received the info.
From Mark:
Jim, that’s great to hear! As I mention on the opportunity page, the price of the unclaimed money package can easily be made back with one claim. It’s nice to see that you found money in your own family with the information provided. Keep up the good work!
The Unclaimed Money Finder Manual
by Deanna
(Kentucky)This is a great kit! Just what I was looking for!
From Mark:
Thank you Deanna! Good luck in your new venture!
$560 Found Money in Georgia
by Chris
(Atlanta, GA)
I stumbled across the state unclaimed money website, entered my name and just like that found $560! I called them and they mailed my check out about a month later. This really does work!
From Mark:
Thanks Chris! That’s great to hear!
Unclaimed Money Found!
by Lynda
Great news … I helped my first cousin find money the state of Mississippi owed him.
He didn’t know a thing about it because it was listed in his deceased mother’s business name.
Needless to say, he was thrilled –and so was I.
It pays to check!
From Mark:
Great news Lynda! Glad to hear that success story!
Connecticut Unclaimed Money Experience
by Chaplain Paul Slater
(San Diego, CA)
While visiting the Connecticut state website, I noticed a link to unclaimed money.
I had an uncle who had passed away a few years back and since he was a bachelor with no heirs, I submitted his name.
Anticipating I had discovered the proverbial rich lost uncle we all wish for, I noticed that the total of his estate lay unclaimed indeed.
Imagine my joy in finally finding the answer to my money woes! $24 lay unclaimed and still is to this day unless a relative unknown to me has laid claim to it. Moral of the story: I am greedier than I thought.
Do I have unclaimed money
I am in Alabama. I know I have unclaimed money, I just don’t know how to get it.
My family and I could really use it right now. We are struggling just to get by. An automobile accident a few years ago has really left me in a mess.
Please help us. Thank you in advance and God Bless.
Do I have unclaimed money
I’ve received letters saying I have unclaimed beneficiaries. Also I got a email saying I have a check that was lost. Plus I won several sweepstakes one in February 2019,June 2021,August 2021,December 2021.Also I got a email from Brazil I believe saying that I have won the super ball lottery and 2 other people. They posted it on Instagram. And Laurie on Instagram said I won 1.5 million, I think that was the February win my email then was .
Been saying I got 892.00 please send it I need it bad.ty Myra PIGG
I’m just curious and could really use the cash
I would like to no if I have unclaimed money please help me out if I do cause I’m going threw something’s and I have kids and we really in need of the money if I have unclaimed money out there.
Is there really a check unclaimed in my name i keep getting a notice but cannot find it just keeps sending me back to surveys
Do I have unclaimed money
Do I have unclaimed money out there? My trailer burned about 3 months ago I didn’t have any insurance so if I do have any unclaimed money now would be the time to find it thanks Brandon Kimbrell
Pls find my name I know got be and pls help me out
i would really appreicate help finding my unclaimed money!!!!
I like to find out if I have unclaimed money in my name pls
I ran in to my money to it was a Stemless check and my girlfriend hit the wrong button and we lost it and I can’t find it it was for a little bit over $1000 can you please help me Friday so I can make my bills paid
I stay in St. Louis mo 63134 an I’m trying to refine my st Stemless check that I found in the treasury claim money today but I accidentally hit the wrong button and I was wondering could you help me refine thank you
I am just wondering if I could get some green for my struggling with life my own self
Hello hope to get what seems to be the best way to get any monies belonging to me? Thanks for all help regardless of outcome continue the good work for others!!!
Just really need to location unclaimed money!!!!!!
I like to see if I have any earnings from sweepstakes winnings
Plz help me with unclaimed money , I have six kids on my own and it’s sooooo very hard with school stuff food and finding a place please please help me
Job laid me off
Lost my house
Car is locked up because of no job
Court fees
Bank account got hacked n froze
Unfortunate events
I need cash please
Thanks I can share use the funds iam trying to buy a mobile home I really need a home
Is there anything you can do to help me finding resources like I don’t know where’s to begin with. please show me the way to find hope and yes I am without a family. My dad and mom is gone. I am alone now
Is there anyone understand me?
I ask for not steal not take not lie.
Do I have any unclaimed money
would love to find money thats mine always over paying
I don’t know how to get my money
I can’t wait until it my time to write one of beautiful
I want to see if you can get me some blessings to me and my family to
I hope ur website is still up an running cuz i could really use unclaimed money
My name I Brenda L Brown Scott my god mother told me she had money in my name she pass
I might have so money
Do I have unclaimed money
Im trying to receive my unclaime funds
I’m looking for unclaimed money that belongs too me can you help me please thanks for everything have a Bless One
I Am Chain Owner Of Bank Of America Robbed And Proved A Large Sum In U.S. Supreme Court And Have Unclaimed Money From Bank Of America I Want All My Cash Please Help Thank You
Happy New Year! Just wanted to take a minute to tell you Thank You! Since I’ve had your Ultimate Guide I’ve been able to help my clients recover funds that have been sitting dormant from over 10+ years. My most recent recovery (December 2020) I was able to recover $95,000.00 of a $190,000.00 Life Insurance claim. This one was not easy however very informative. The one prior to this one, I was able to recover $53,000.00 for another client, again another challenging one. Mind you I’m in TX and they do not make it easy for anyone. Nevertheless, I got the job done. One thing I don’t understand is how having a PI license benefits me. I’m still trying to figure that one out. I was able to have my clients check sent directly to me, of course it was made out to her but with my address for delivery. I have gained so much more knowledge now that I have taken on two difficult cases. I look forward to assisting many more clients.
Thanks Again!
Karren W. , TX
Hi Karen,
I’ve been a licensed insurance broker since 1985. I’d like to add this service to our agency. I’ve always been amazed at the amount of life insurance policies that go unclaimed. When you recovered $95,000 in life insurance proceeds did you know the name of the insured or did you simply do a search for an individual and see the amount of life insurance?
Once you uncovered that there was $95,000 of unpaid life insurance how did you determine who were the rightful beneficiaries?
I appreciate any information that you can provide. Congratulations on your success.
My stepdad power over attorney my mom because she can’t write English now she gone my stepdad took everything from me but my half sister already claimed her. I end up being homeless and I am deaf.
Dear Karren,
So happy to your story to help others. I am a single mom living in california LA. I have life insurance liscent since 2004. I would like to learn from anout how do help people get their money back.
Could you do teach me ?
looking forware to hear from you and appreciated.
Joy Chen
I’m listening for any help on located unclaimed funs !!!! I’m in need of Financial help with taxes unclaimed funs and lost unemployment money!!!!!!
Im a leo and I’m also trying to see if I can find any of these resources
How do I get my found money
Can you help me locate mines?????
Yes I believe my late husband had a Insurance policy for $100,000 in my name as BeneficiaryKa
Can you help me actually receive my unclaimed money pretty quick and get it to actually work
My name is John Bennett and I was trying to find my money unclaimed money can you please help me find my money thank you thank you very much and I really appreciate it please help me thank you out of California Sacramento
Need money for a house and a car and many things if
I am just about to file bankruptcy on my business
My house is about to get foreclosed on I have about 6 weeks to come up with enough money to satisfy my mortgage that is behind about 2800$. I have borrowed everything I can I trying to get rid of a falling business before I file bankruptcy on it. I don’t know what to do to sorry I’m about to just give up
I really could use your help are you still in business??
Yes, still in business!
Hi Sir,
Could you teach me how to do this ?
Joy C
Can you help?
yo ya realice todo el tramite para reclamar un dinero y ya me aparece que me lo iban a pagar el 26 de junio de 2019, lo único que se es que me va a llegar un cheque pero no me ha llegado nada, aunque mi domicilio es en mexico, pero no tengo idea de como es el procedimiento para recuperar ese cheque o el dinero.
ojala pudieran ayudarme porque desconozco cual es el procedimiento y no me gustaría que mi cheque llegara a otra persona
That is excellent! I’m glad you took the time to let me know. I know this will be the first of many!
Hi Mark. I wanted to share with you our first check that we received this Saturday. Your program is a success and thank you.