This is the meal!
It seems like the below sitcom hit on just about every topic imaginable. I wasn’t surprised when they touched on the subject of unclaimed money.
If you had found George’s $1900 and helped him recover it, you could have charged 15% commission in New York. That’s a cool $285 for just a little bit of work. Giddy-yap!
Here’s another sitcom getting in on the unclaimed money bandwagon. You never know who might be holding unclaimed money!
Who wouldn’t want to contact Jennifer Anniston or George Clooney as an unclaimed money finder to tell them you what you’ve found?
Click here to see famous celebrities owed unclaimed money!
Hulk Hogan has unclaimed money!

Become an unclaimed money finder and you can!
Click here to learn more about this great opportunity!
mi papa hera recidente pero el ya murio y me dicen k el dejo un seguro de vida como podre saber o a donde me comunico para checarlo ……..gracias
hola como puedo chcar si mi papa dejo un seguro de vida
I have a feeling that IM one of those people that has money out there but don’t know how to do it to find it not to good with computers
y. had. bank account andi need. iyour. help
email me you full name n where ever you have lived and I’ll check for you
Indianapolis Indiana unclaimed money
thanks for the subscription!
Your welcome Vina! I hope you enjoy the newsletter when you receive it.
I have people calling me, stating that I have unclaimed money or property.
Yes… This time of year the money would be a big help.
I just wouldering do I have any money or property here out is not claim how I got by doing that
Start by going to the state unclaimed funds page, and check any state you may have lived or worked in. Then, go to the free search page,, and take a look at all of the links there.
Good luck!
I can help you, just email me your full name and any nick names you may have used and where ever you have lived and I’ll check for you. email me at