New Jersey is currently holding over $4 billion in unclaimed funds!
The Unclaimed Property Administration (UPA) recovers and records abandoned or lost intangible and tangible property.
The UPA’s goal is to return this property to the rightful owner and/or heirs. NJ Unclaimed Property Statute states that property owners never relinquish the right to this property and that the UPA acts as a custodian until the property is returned.
Unclaimed property consists of many types of intangible and tangible properties that have remained unclaimed by its rightful owner for a specific period of time. The abandonment period for each type of property is defined by New Jersey’s Unclaimed Property Statute.
Unclaimed Property statutes were established to protect property owners from businesses, banks, and other financial institutions taking ownership of stale property in the owner’s name.
It is common that in the normal course of business that individuals or businesses lose track of either checks that were issued to them or bank holdings. State Unclaimed Property laws define abandonment periods for these different types of property. Once property reaches the defined abandonment period with no activity the Holder of this property will turn the property over to the State.
After property is escheated to the State the reported property owner never relinquishes ownership. If property is not claimed it remains in the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund in perpetuity or until a valid claim is submitted and processed.
The UPA has an Outreach section whose entire purpose is reuniting abandoned property with their owners through various outreach initiatives. These initiatives include mass mailings, media campaigns, and their presence at state fairs, community centers, and other public locations throughout the year. The UPA also advertises newly abandoned property in newspapers throughout the state twice a year and subscribes a searchable web application that accepts online claim submissions,
A search can be completed by going to the web page and following the instructions for locating property.
If the property you located on lists an address that was a previous residence of yours then it is likely property belonging to you. If the address listed is not one of your previous addresses then it does not belong to you. When submitting a claim on property that was a previous address you will be required to provide proof you resided at the address.
If you submitted an electronic claim through nothing further is needed at this time. Upon the UPA’s review of your claim, you will be sent a claim packet which details the unclaimed property being held as well as a request for documentation to establish ownership/identity. Please read the packet carefully, fill out completely, and follow any instructions that are provided.
The only way to learn the property(s) value is to formally file a claim on the property(s). When the UPA reviews the claim submission and determines that it is valid, a claim packet will be issued to the claimant. The packet will include all the property(s) details including dollar value and origin.
After a claim is submitted to the Unclaimed Property Administration (UPA), the UPA issues a claim packet detailing the property you’re attempting to claim. Proving ownership can be established by providing our office with the detailed documentation that is requested in your claim packet.
Interest is calculated starting from the date the property was escheated to the Unclaimed Property Administration (UPA) and ending on the date the UPA approves the return of the property to the rightful owner(s).
Did you know you can make money finding unclaimed money for other people?
There is a little known business that lets you do that. Unclaimed money finders locate people that don’t know they money being held for them and help them to recover it.
In return, they charge a commission after the money is recovered.
Please click here if you would like to learn more about this business.
I want unclaimed money. Give me my money.
My mother use to receive notices for unclaimed child support. This was over 15 years ago. Can she still claim it?
I can assist you, im a recovery specialist, please send me your contact information. Thank You
Retirement school fuoNd
I would like to know if i have any monies being owed to me
Looking for any unclaim cash
Hi there,
My mom passed away and I have some Charles Schwab investments that we can’t find and Charles Schwab said we should contact unclaimed funds.
can you please help us.
thank you
Hi Peter
I can assist you, I am a Recovery Specialist, please email me you contact information.
Or Call 919-282-8011
I filed a paper claim 3 months and online status states that documentation received pending review. I have mailed in 2 requests for a status update and requesting any further documentation needed. No response only they added the requests to documentation on the status online. What else can I do to get a status update.
Where do I go to find unclaimed money not property?
For New Jersey, you can go here: .
Even though you may see something called unclaimed property, don’t dismiss it. Unclaimed property, unclaimed funds, unclaimed money, unclaimed assets, etc are all usually referring to the same thing.
I don’t see New Jersey on he list.
Missing ira from 1989 obtained in New Jersey Camden county
There is a DiCugno G G with an address of 606 Whitman Ave. Gladdboro, NJ 08028. Go to to see if you can claim this. Good luck!
I was supposed to receive 34,750.00 from the Estate of Sally Rosenthal. Date of death: 2/16/2015. The firm of Teschon, Riccobene & Siss, was the law office handling this claim. Their file #5.351.
The claim went before Judge Jerejian and he ruled that the relatives identified by the administrators were deemed too remote to be proper heirs. Mind you, she had no children and her closest living relatives were all deceased, including my mother, who was her first cousin. .
The Court directed that all her assets, from her estate, were to be delivered to the NJ Unclaimed Property Fund. The law firm did not file an appeal.
One of the executors was from this law firm. His name is Mr Riccobene.
I would like to know how I can retrieve this money, which should have been rightfully mine from the beginning.
Any help you can give me will be much appreciated.
Thanking you in advance,
Marjorie Boykevisch
I can assist you, I am a Recovery Specialist, please email me you contact information.
Or Call 919-282-8011
How do I find out if I have any unclaimed accounts in New Jersey. I lived there for twenty years.
Do I have any unclaimed money ?
How do I find out if I have unclaimed funds
Looking for money left by my brother
My deceased mother may have funds in NJ.
I can assist you, I am a Recovery Specialist, please email me you contact information.
Or Call 919-282-8011
Mother of my 3 grandchildren has money in the fund she is trying to get out of paying child support I have permanent custody of children I have notified the courts about the money my question is how do I find out if she claimed the money and can the courts put a lien against it so she can pay all her back child support
Barbara Meyers I think I may have some money owed to me from a paycheck from KMart in the 1980’s
i need unclaimed funds
I would like to know if any monies are owed to Mr. Murray Fischel or Mrs. syd Fischel
I would like to know if I have unclaimed monies in the State of New Jersey, I have had several stocks from ATT which went into litigation and I would like to know if these funds can be released. Attorney is holding the stocks for which I never signed and/or heard anything. My address is 340 Hudson Street, Hackensack, New Jersey 07601 at the time I was living at 26 Sheppard Avenue, Apt B6, Englewood, NJ 07631
What other states have u lived in?
If the property was acquired by the UPA in 2004 and a claim was issued in 2017 how do you calculate interest accrued. I’ve noticed the rates of return has changed every year since 2004. What interest rate do I use?
I do not know which state you are referring to. Not every state issue interest. The best thing to do is contact that state directly and ask them.
I had money on pokerstars that was escheated to n.j. when they started back in n.j., why cant I find a record of this anywhere? How can I get my money?
Please let me know if I have unclaimed funds I lived in jersey for 8 years.
The fund is Metlife stocks.
I have lived in florida, tennessee, arizona, new jersey and now missouri. How do I search all these states?
Lost several bank acccounts and funds in New Jersey SS # XXX-XX-XXXX
I deleted your social security number. Please do not blindly send out your social security number! That can get you into a lot of trouble.
If you are working with a finder and they request it because the agency they are dealing with needs it to approve a claim, that is another story, but wait for someone to request it first.
I would like to know if i have any monies being owed to me