There are plenty of places to do a free unclaimed money search, starting with the unclaimed funds page on this site. There you can click on any of the states links to get more information.
You can also go to NAUPA.
NAUPA stands for the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators. It is a non-profit organization affiliated with the National Association of State Treasurers and the Council of State Governments.
MissingMoney, a Web site officially endorsed NAUPA contains the official collective records from most state unclaimed money programs. NAUPA will link you to every state unclaimed money web site where you can search.
Both sites let you do your own free unclaimed money search.
There is absolutely no reason to pay anyone or any website a fee when you can do your own free unclaimed money search.
Most of these pay sites are just using lists that they get from the states anyway. The best thing to do is call any state that you may have lived or worked in yourself. You can find the states contact information using the map on the home page.
If you are still unsure about contacting the state, or just don’t have the time, you can enlist the services of an unclaimed money finder.
For a small fee, an unclaimed money finder can investigate for you and help you with the paperwork that you need. Most likely, it will be prepared for you and you will just need to sign some forms.
Do not pay an unclaimed money finder an upfront fee.. Any legitimate finder will do a search for unclaimed money and then charge a commission, after you are paid. Click here if you are interested in becoming an Unclaimed Money Finder yourself.
Other Sources For a Free Unclaimed Money Search Include:
U.S. Links
Undeliverable U.S. Federal Tax refund checks
The Internal Revenue Service may have an undeliverable refund check that belongs to you.
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.
The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. has a searchable database to determine whether you are owed any pension benefits if your pension plan no longer exists because it was closed or was taken over by the pension agency. You also can track down the benefits if you are a survivor of the person who should be drawing the pension. This site will tell you what to do if you believe you are owed money but aren’t found in the agency’s database.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
A resource website to search for any unclaimed insured deposits for financial institutions that were closed by a regulatory agency between Jan. 1, 1989 and June 28, 1993.
U.S. Federal Investments
The official source of information on U.S. Savings Bonds. Check this website for any Savings Bonds you may have forgotten about.
Missing U.S. Federal Savings Bonds
What to do if your U.S. Savings Bonds have been lost, stolen or destroyed.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
If you had a HUD/FHA insured mortgage, you may have a refund on part of your insurance premium or a share of the earnings.
Veterans Administration Benefits
Search for unclaimed veterans benefits owed to you by the federal government.
U.S. Railroad Retirement Board
Search for unclaimed railroad retirement benefits
Holocaust Links
Swiss Bankers Association
Victims of the Holocaust or their heirs can make claims to assets deposited in Swiss Banks during World War II.
Frozen Swiss Accounts Database Search Form
This website provides a notice of claim procedures for locating Swiss, Swedish, French,
and British bank and insurance accounts.
Holocaust Claims Processing Office of the New York State Banking Department. This office attempts to recover assets deposited in European banks, monies never paid in connection with insurance policies issued by European insurers and lost or looted art for victims of the Holocaust.
International Links
Bank of Canada
Search for unclaimed bank accounts held by The Bank of Canada.
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Search for unclaimed money and unclaimed property held by The Australian Commonwealth Government.
France Unclaimed Monies
Search for unclaimed monies held by banks in France. Information is available in French only.
New Zealand Unclaimed Monies
Search for unclaimed monies held by the Inland Revenue Department in New Zealand.
Swiss Bankers Association
Search for dormant accounts in Switzerland
money lost on sale of 7700 Park Drive Parkville MD, 21234
Worked in MD for 18 years. Owned a home and sold it 7700 Park Drive Parkville, MD. 21234
I believe I may have money in a savings account in Florida either Sarasota or Bradenton. I moved to Delaware vand never heard anything else
Could you please check for unclaimed funds or property in Mass., Kansas, Sublet KS, and MD and MN?
I realize this is asking quite a bit. Thank you
I have searched every single site to find my missing stimulus payments, and no luck. I cant get in touch with anyone from the irs, or government facility to help me out. i did find where NC treasury was holding unclaimed property in my name where a deceased person left me property. please help
I have ordered the guide but have not recieved the download what do I need to do?
First off, thank you for your purchase. I believe by now I sent you a new download or would have emailed you everything but want to answer here just in case.
Greetings, Just downloaded your Guide, looks so great, I can’t wait to read it entirely. You give so much info for my state on your site that I figured I could probably do without the Guide, but I felt guilty, so I purchased it but looks like it was worth it. Thanks for such a well put together site and guide, much better than what some sharks charge on the internet! Anneline.
Great! Thank you so much!
Gwyn Beaumont Peré. Need to find unclaimed money international, n in the U.S.A. ONLY MINE N MAYBE MY SONS FRANCISCO RAMON DUARTE BEAUMONT.
Wondering if I may have any much needed and greatly appreciated money
I am new here and is debating to start this business part time while stuck at home during covid. does your course include a list of states that shows the amount of the unclaimed value ? Or do we need to do our own search for all 50 states? Hoping this business will be able to help this full time mom. Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer my question.
Yes, you get two lists with the amounts
Hello please help find unclaimed money internationally. Not sure how it’s done. Thank you
I was told my refund check from my auto insurance was sent to Az state treasury. How can I get it sent to me.
Thank you,
Were you able to get your money sent to you? If not and you’d like some help, email me at and I’ll get you on the right path!
How would I look up a trust? I was the executor and thought I had found all the accounts.
The trust: Manuel Fernandez Vazquez & Maryann Antonia Vazquez.
Thanks, Michelle
Just checking if I have any unclaimed money in Florida.
I have unclaimed money out there can you help me get it.thank you Eddie Boehman
I was wondering if i had unclaimed money in Michigan where i work and lived for years can you guys help me to see if i got some unclaimed money i appreciate it thank you
I was told I have unclaimed money in Pearl Mississippi. Can you let me know?
I’m hoping to recover my money so I can get a vehicle.
I was told that I or My son Michael Wayne Dell Had some unclaimed funds in Texas for$9k. Michael was deceased in1994. I dont know what department I need to contact.
Just checking!
do i have any lost money in new mexico or california
You might, what was your address in California? If you don’t mind. There are plenty of people with your name and unclaimed funds.
I would like to check for unclaimed funds in Staten Island, NY or Pittsburgh, Pa.
I can check for you
i have an unclaimed rent rebate check in my name from 1994 in Reading Pa. whoch was when i lived at 920 N.Front street. how can i locate this money ?
The credit union in the town I live in informed me by mail that they reported my savings account I had there as unclaimed mn commerce property they informed me that I have to go thru the man unclaimed commerce property website to get my money. I used and there is nothing in my name. I find this so ironic considering my address and phone number hav’t changed in 30 years, and they sent me the end of year account statement to my address (the statement is how I found out my monies had been turned over to mn unclaimed property). How do I get this money returned to me?
Although most states submit data to, not every one of them does.
These are the states and provinces that have currently submitted data:
Alabama, Alaska, Alberta Canada, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin
Even if you are in one of these states, it’s possible that it’s such a short period of time from the credit union submitting the information that it hasn’t had time to post on the site yet.
Your best course of action is to call the unclaimed funds department of the state you live in and speak to someone directly.
Do I have unclaimed money
Will you help me I was told I have 15 things on my report by two sites . I put in free but they still want to charge. Can you help me ? I have no money or a card..
I am wanting to get my unclamd money
Please help me,my father passed in 2002.I was told he left me an insurance policy. He lived in carter lake IA.
Hello i am Tommy and I live in Texas and can help you find your unclaimed money for a small small fee please contact me at the email below
Do I have unclaimed money from Missouri ,ark. and Illionois
I would like to say that this is real, we have been helping people find there lost property from 2013 – 2018. We would love to help you. Please Call us at 714-333-0402 and leave a message.
Or you can search online at our website
Let us Help you
I am looking for unclaimed property and or money in Illinios from several family members. can you help?
I need to know if I have unclaimed funds in Florida
I’m looking for unclaimed money in Illinois and Ohio can you help?
I was told a few times my name was listed for money that was unclaimed. I was also looking to find out where my 410k went after companies closed up or moved away. I havent worked for 15 1/2 years and worked at three companies in Ohio and 2 in Canton Ga. Seimens and Pilex in Canton Ga. Lamson & Sessions and Molten in Bowling Green Ohio. Deshler Ohio Claudsence. I was also listed for a check from Hills Department Store that closed up in side the woodland Mall in Bowling Green Ohio.
I think i still have trust money coming from my dad maybe safety deposit boxes dividens ect i do believe i read somewhere in all the paperwork i recieved the will and lifeinsurance papers that another trust would open up for me when im the age 59and one fourth old welp i have just recently turned this age but i cant find where i had read this.So my very important guestion to you is how do i find out no one can help i dont know where to start or who to trust were talking alot of money and my three girls also. Please help me ASAP im afraid i might have lost out on some of it already? Thank you
I need to know if I have any unclaimed money in the state of Florida
I need to know if i have unclaimed money
Seeking unclaimed money
Pease help me locate my missing money if any.
Would like to know any information homes. I have bought income tax and relatives that have passed away
what is the unclaimed amount of money that I have ,, or can you tell me where
do I look to find this unclaimed money?
Seeking unclaimed money
I have been told I do have unclaimed money. I have seen an amount while looking on the internet. I spoke with someone who verified I do have unclaimed money. I was weary of giving out my credit card #. I need help!!!
Arizona Excess Funds says they know of $$$ I am owed for an excess of a foreclosure sale, they say if I want info I have to go thru them!
Please let me know where I can start researching this for myself.
My father was working at saps as a police officer from 1976 up until 1995 when he passed away and no claimed have been made the question is that how do I claim.
I found a list of us world war 2 bonds my grandparents bought from Feb.6,1942 until june17 1944 . I have a official list of bond numbers. How do I find out if they have ever been cashed? I am they’re exector.
Please check out the article on . There is a link that will take you to the Treasury site and you can search there.
I received a savings bond as a child and the company has since closed and went out of business years ago would there still be money towards my bond or no?
My dead husband had 50k out there
My dead husband had a 501k. Out there in texas louisiana and virgin island, and California
i had a friend leave something for me in her will.since she died i have remarriedhow would i go about finding if there was something in her will for me
If there was money being held for you from that time, it would be under the name you had before you remarried. You would need to look for your name under that state. If there is nothing there, you can start looking at the various counties in that state and see if there is anything there. Finally, you may have to see if there is anything in the probate court in the county that she lived in. If you know her family, you may want to see if there was an estate lawyer involved that might have information for you. Good luck!
Help caint find anything in unclaimed money but I have papers in my saying if we want to leas our part of land who can give me advice tierd of searching no results
I’m not sure what you are referring to and if it has anything to do with unclaimed funds. Can you provide more specific information?
My husband died 15 years ago. He suppose to receive 60,000 dollars in
diability money he died right after that and never receive it.
Is it any way that I can get any anwsers about this money.
Did you check with social security? If not, I would start with them. Then check any state he may have lived or worked in. The map on the home page will take you to the states unclaimed money department. If it takes you to a state with information on it, but not the official site, there will be a link somewhere on that page to take you to the official site.
Please let me know if United StatesTreasury checks have any value after 25 years. I am an execator trying to settle an estate, and have found 4 uncashed Treasury checks with dates of 1989 and 1990. I need to know on the behalf of the deceaased owner before I can settle the estate. I will appreciate any information you ccan provide.
Thank you,
You may want to check with the Treasury Department directly, but according to this,, on page 5, any Treasury checks issued after October 1, 1989 are void after one year.
I hope this helps.