Colorado is holding hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed funds!
There are almost two million accounts due money.
These names are for individuals as well as for businesses.
Unclaimed funds are unclaimed or abandoned intangible property. It represents a certain obligation a company is holding for another person or business.
It includes:
- checking and saving accounts
- certificates of deposit
- over payments
- insurance checks
- payroll checks
- utility refunds
- money orders
- un-cashed checks
- dividends
- stocks
- bonds
- contents of safe deposit boxes and more.
Unclaimed funds are turned over to the State to protect them and return them to its rightful owner(s) or their heirs. Once received by his office, the Treasurer guarantees that the claimants who properly prove rightful ownership will receive their property back, even if the original financial institution or business closes.
For the convenience of the property’s rightful owner(s), people trying to locate forgotten bank accounts or other property in Colorado can find them by searching the website or with just one call.
The State has what they call the Great Colorado Payback where you can search for your Colorado unclaimed money. Besides the site where you can search for yourself, the Treasurer also publishes the list in newspapers, as well as distributing it to libraries, county treasurer offices, and state legislators.
Most money is turned over to the State when it has been considered dormant for a certain time period. It is usually three years.
Certificates of Deposit (CD) and Individual Retirement Accounts become unclaimed after being dormant for five years.
There is no time limit to claim your unclaimed money.
If you do a search and find money owed to you, you can hit the “Claim” button to start the process.
Contact information:
The Great Colorado Payback Office
Denver Metro Area: (303) 866-6070
Toll Free Long Distance: (800) 825-2111
1580 Logan Street, Ste. 500
Denver, CO 80203
To inquire about claiming property or to check the status of a pending claim
send an email to:
Did you know you can make money finding unclaimed money for other people?
There is a little known business that lets you do that.
Unclaimed money finders locate people that don’t know they money being held for them and help them to recover it. In return, they charge a commission after the money is recovered.
Please click here if you would like to learn more about this business.
I see my name but how do I know if it’s for me? I’m sure there are other people with my exact name
Informed from family on 11012020 that I have unclaimed funds greater than $50.00. Please advise. Thank you.
unclaimed retire fund, esop
I seem to have unclaimed money and property all over the world and in multiple states and don’t have the time and or patience to continue to try and collect it state by state is the one place where I can send in by US mail due getting hacked all the time. To receive a check through the mail?
I had some unclaimed money in the Colorado State Treasury I seen it it was for $80,000.00. Know I can’t find it who claimed it or how can I find out who claimed it! The money came from Connecticut State Treasury. Wow can anybody just claim your money is it really that easy. Please contact my ASAP
I am checking on the status of life insurance sent to unclaimed property.
I have sent in form n was told 4 mos. that was dec. of 2017. i’m wondering when I might expect to receive my property.
Do not expect to get your inheritance money they are very slow to respond if you can get them on the phone do not give up document everything send all corispondance certified so they can not deny talking to you
I herd that I have a chance of unclaimed money to n Colorado area my sister told me about this program I have been gone for ten years now thank you very much Darrell
Ashbrook 1336 Kirk Ave se
Roanoke VA 24013 apt #1
Had been advised in the90’s that an account held by myself with Fitzsimmons Federal Credit Union had monies/interest accumulating. Had purchased a Vehicle from my Parents (datsun 710)
I wrote to the FCU with Identification (D.L. #, SSN and current address)….to no avail, it was the Article in the Rocky Mountain News…
Resided in Arizona at this time…figured it was taken to fund the City/State of Colorado…
Fine me big money 2017.
I never got a child support check that was from his income tax for back child support..I was told by the child support case worker the state intercepted it for fines..but couldn’t find out what fines..and the only fines I was aware that I hadn’t shown any payment change in my it made no sence and no one could give me any information.
Where did it go??
I am submitting my request. I found I am owed some cash from Colorado Payback.
How long will the process take?
Thank You.
It took me 5 months to get my Colorado Payback check after my submission.
I printed the forms on my home network, then realized it didn’t go through. How do I go back in and reprint?
JC, I think you’re referring to something on the actual Colorado site. You’re going to have to go back to it at and see if you can reprint from there.
I had monies in a profit sharing account and I haven’t received anything on it in years. How do I go about finding out where it is and how I can get it.
Was this in Colorado? If so, you can start your search here,
You also might want to call the company the funds were with and see if they turned them over to anyone.
Also, if the company is incorporated in another state, you can look there as well.
Good luck!
How do I check if I have any left over in the state of Colorado?
Go to the Great Colorado Payback at and type your name in the search bar.
I did that and did not see William, but did get the following seven results:
My brother had told me that he saw my name on something saying there may be something to claim but I’m not sure I’m looking or searching correctly.
Just wondering if I have anything could really use it right now looking at being homeless soon.
I’m trying to find a paycheck i never cashed and it expired, and the company i worked for is no longer in business i believe
I did a search and found that I money in Pueblo, Colorado so I submitted a claim by mail. Unfortunately I didn’t copy the materials before mailing them so I have no idea if they received it or not, so now I just sit here waiting : /
Looking for Funds. Got money?
Got milk? Just kidding James!
I did not see anything under your name in Colorado but I did see Donald L if there is any relation.
i am looking for settlements that i was suppose to get at a 15 year old kid after getting hit by a car thank you
Bonnie, go to
looking to see if I have unclaimed tax refund