The State of Connecticut is currently holding over $800 million in unclaimed funds!
There are over 1.5 million people in Connecticut owed unclaimed money.
In Connecticut, money is usually turned over to the state from companies that have been holding onto it for three to five years with no action or contact from the owner.
Unclaimed money can include, but is not limited to:
- Savings accounts
- Checking accounts
- uncashed checks
- utility deposits
- stocks and bonds
- mutual funds
- life insurance policies
- travelers checks
- money orders
The list of assets that go unclaimed can go on and on and so can the many reasons for the assets becoming unclaimed in the first place including:
- Leaving a job without claiming a final paycheck
- Not claiming or knowing about a health insurance check
- Not getting a utility deposit back from a house or apartment
- Not knowing about a bank account in your name
The list goes on and on.
In Connecticut, there is no time limit to collect your unclaimed funds.
The State gets involved because Connecticut law requires the holders of unclaimed funds such as banks, credit unions, insurance companies, utilities and businesses, to report and remit those assets annually to the Office of the Treasurer, which safeguards the property until the rightful owner comes forward and claims it. The owners or heirs have a single source – the State of Connecticut – where they can locate unclaimed funds.
In 2012, Connecticut returned $83 million to its rightful owners. They also collected $73 million in new unclaimed money, so it was a net of $10 million returned. On October 25, 2018 the state Treasurer published a new list with approximately 53,000 new names of individuals, businesses, organizations and non-profits who have unclaimed money since the last publication in 2016.
So, you need to continue to check the list every year as new names and businesses are constantly being added.
If you would like to search for your own unclaimed money in Connecticut, you can go to
You can contact the state here:
State of Connecticut, Office of the State Treasurer
P.O. Box 5065
Hartford, CT 06102
Did you know that there is a little known business where you can actually get paid to find unclaimed money for other people?
Unclaimed money finders search for people that have money being held for them and help them claim it. In return they charge a fee for their service, which is a percentage of the amount that they have recovered. It’s a very easy business that not too many people know about.
If you would like to learn more about it, please click here.
Looking for unclaimed monies from the state maybe insurance policies or other things
Republic Act? Connecticut milling accounts payable…
I helped my mom recover $7k from she is willing to pay me she said would have never knew if I didn’t tell her I found a finder contract put my current business info on it with 10% fee she signed now what’s next bro?
Look for money my deceased boyfriend left me.
My mother Elsie Miclette purchased a bond for my son Adam Kucharski. She passed away in 2008. My son and I live in Westerville, Ohio. I do not have any paperwork and would like to know if he is on a list for unclaimed funds. Please help!
Looking for possible life insurance policy established by my father John wrege jr.
I have several checks that were never cashed and was given a website for the State of Connecticut unclaimed money. It was about 2 months age. I still have not received a check. How long does it take? I also had a check from Comcast that I sent at the same time. I received the Comcast check but have still have not received the unclaimed money. I owe income tax and will sign the check to the State of Connecticut. How do I do that,
Hello My husband died in a horrific accident in the year 2000 he was 36 with 3 young kids and im his wife I have bi polar so I was lost he did everything for me I didn’t even know how to pump gas..anyway he owned his own plumbing and heating business LLC his office was in Stamford most of his business was around that area we rented a house in Trumbull ct..on lake ave it was December 13th and he was working on a hard job that had to be done before the holidays so he was in a large trench and it collapsed on him burying him alive..our lives have never been the same even after 18 years but I looked everywhere for money he was known to stash money my daughter would be going to college in a few years and the month he died he just bought a $45.000 truck.which I got mad at because we could have bought a house but I know theres money somewhere I think he had a safety deposit box but ive never been contacted but we did move about 5 times we were so poor I could barely feed my kids red cross jumped in to help and fund raisers and strangers showed up at my door with tons of wrapped presents for my kids it was unbelievable my own family ran the other way they all live in new York my family and friends I had nobody in CT to watch my back my own lawyer robbed me of $6.000 anyway I just saw on unclaimed money property has 2 I don’t know what that means they say Health insurance I think but I don’t know which site is the one I need to go to that would cover it all and I don’t have to wonder anymore if he had money put somewhere I know him he always did that we looked in the ceilings above the office I tore my garage up looking everywhere I do know for a fact there were 3 customers that owed him thousands and my lawyer contacted them and they all said the same thing they felt they didn’t owe him since he died and one said he wasn’t happy with the work so hes not paying when I know for a fact that customer was very happy my husband was the best plumber and he worked for high class people some famous CAN YOU HELP ME UNDERSTAND WHAT I NEED TO DO ??? to FINALLY RESOLVE THIS ISSUE FOR ME ?? it said print one out I don’t have a printer im going to see if my dad will print it if I can send it to him..THANK YOU SO MUCH SORRY SO LONG I JUST WANTED YOU TO REALLY KNOW ALL THE FACTS
Lynnette Milligan
I’m sorry about your husband and everything you’ve gone through. I don’t know where you saw the money being held, but that would be the first place to start, printing up what they said to print up. You can also go to and search there with your husbands name, your name, your kids name, the business name, basically anything you can think of. Do that for every state you lived in. Also, look on the page on this site and look at other options there that might relate to anywhere you might have a chance of having money. Good luck!
You can go to and check there. I did enter your first and last name and did not see anything, although there were several under your last name. You may want to call them and see if they have anymore information for you.
I have a check from National City Mortgage that is no longer valid, they suggest I look here. Please let me know how I can access these funds