New Mexico is holding hundreds of millions of dollars of unclaimed money!
The New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department (TRD) is responsible for this money. The purpose of the Unclaimed Property Office is to reunite lost owners with their property. They want you to have your property!
Generally, unclaimed property has monetary value and has been abandoned. Property is considered abandoned when efforts by the holder to locate the owner fail, and it remains unclaimed by the rightful owner for the number of years prescribed by statute.
When that time expires, businesses holding property for which the owner cannot be located turn it over to TRD. TRD is then responsible for safeguarding the funds, attempting to locate the owners, publicizing the names of apparent owners who cannot be located otherwise, and returning the assets to the owners as they come forward.
The turn-around time for receiving an unclaimed property varies. TRD has 90 days from the date a claim is filed to approve or deny the claim and an additional 30 days to pay the claim. However, TRD processes claims in a timely manner when sufficient ownership documentation is provided. Often a claim requires review and approval by more than one agency, or payment is issued by an agency that is not associated with TRD.
You can search for unclaimed money in New Mexico here.
To successfully file an unclaimed property claim with us you must prove that you are the rightful owner of the property.
The required proof varies according to the property and the circumstances under which it was abandoned. The Unclaimed Property Office does not release property until it receives the required proof.
Eligibility requirements for submitting a claim depend on your status with respect to the property. Generally, proof of ownership is as listed below. In some cases we may require additional evidence supporting your ownership of the property.
If you are the original owner, please submit the following evidence to support your claim:
- a signed and notarized claim form;
- a clear copy of your government-issued photo identification and proof of your Social Security Number,
and proof that you lived or received mail at the address as listed; - legal documentation establishing power of attorney, guardianship, custody or trusteeship to act on behalf of the original owner;
- photo identifications are required of both the original owner and the person representing the original owner.
- if the original owner does not have official photo identification due to incapacitation, you must provide a notarized statement of identity from a care provider on company letterhead; and
- proof that the owner lived or received mail at the address as listed. Examples of proof of address include:- auto registration;
– bank or utility statement;
– birth or marriage certificate;
– court documents;
– credit report;
– driver’s license;
– Medicare card or insurance policy;
– postmarked envelope addressed to you at the address you are proving;
– school transcripts, or
– proof of ownership.
If the owner is deceased and you are the legal representative, please submit the following evidence to support your claim:
- substantive entitlement to funds under applicable heirship laws and a copy of the death certificate, and
- proof that the owner lived or received mail at the address as listed. Examples of proof of address include:- auto registration;
– bank or utility statement;
– birth or marriage certificate;
– court documents;
– credit report;
– driver’s license;
– Medicare card or insurance policy;
– postmarked envelope addressed to you at the address you are proving;
– school transcripts, or proof of ownership.This instruction applies to claims for property of a decedent whose estate was not previously subject to probate or where probate was previously closed.
If you are representing a business, please submit the following evidence to support your claim:
- A sole proprietorship – Provide legal documentation that you are the sole owner of the business.
- A partnership – Provide legal documentation that you are an official with the company and authorized to sign.
A corporation – Provide legal documentation that you are an official with the company and authorized to sign. If the corporation is dissolved you must provide a copy of the dissolution and the shareholder information.
Also submit the following evidence to support your claim:
- a clear copy of your government-issued photo identification;
- a signed and notarized claim form;
- proof of your business Federal Employee’s Identification Number (FEIN), and
- proof that you lived or received mail at the address as listed. Examples of address proof include:- auto registration;
– bank or utility statement;
– birth or marriage certificate;
– court documents;
– credit report;
– driver’s license;
– Medicare card or insurance policy;
– postmarked envelope addressed to you at the address you are proving;
– school transcripts, or proof of ownership.
You can contact the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department at:
1100 South St. Francis Drive
Santa Fe, NM 87504
(505) 827-0700
Did you know you can make money finding unclaimed money for other people?
There is a little known business that lets you do that. Unclaimed money finders locate people that don’t know they money being held for them and help them to recover it.
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Please click here if you would like to learn more about this business.
I am working for a State Agency that is the Social Security rep-payee for numerous individuals. When they di, I send their remaining funds to the next of kin. How do I send unclaimed funds belonging to their estate when there is no known next of kin or we don’t know who or where a next of kin is.
Note that my last day with the state id 12/30/21 because I am retiring.
I did a property of unclaimed a few years ago my name is KatelynFeldman can you send me my property my address is KatelynFeldman233 Villa Alegre
Santa Fe NM
how do you request a form?
Where do I get form for Unclaimed Funds in State of New Mexico?
For New Mexico you need to go to
Unclaimed money in albuquerque nm
I have a letter from wellsfargo saying i have unclaimed money how can i recieve that money?
Go to – search by NM. Just did a quick search, looks like there are a few in the list with the name on your comment.