Utah is currently holding millions of dollars in unclaimed funds!
Utah unclaimed funds consists of unclaimed or abandoned intangible property.
It includes
- checking and saving accounts,
- certificates of deposit,
- overpayments,
- insurance checks,
- payroll checks,
- utility refunds,
- money orders,
- un-cashed checks,
- dividends,
- stocks and bonds,
- contents of safe deposit boxes and many, many more examples to numerous to list
Funds generally become unclaimed if they have not had any activity within a certain period of time, e.g., three years for most properties, and the holder is unable to locate the property owner. The funds are considered abandoned and must be reported to the Unclaimed Property Division of the State Treasurer’s Office. To prevent your accounts from becoming unclaimed or abandoned, it is a good idea to keep accounts active and make sure that you make a deposit or withdrawal, update your address, or contact your financial institution at least every three years.Click here to search for Utah unclaimed funds!
There is no deadline to claim unclaimed funds in Utah and there is no fee involved.
You will need to provide proof of your address or a previous address. Proof can be an old utility bill, a copy of an old tax return, or any old correspondence. It just needs to be anything that officially lists your previous address.
You will most likely need your social security card. If you lost it or do not have it a copy of a tax return, insurance card, or any other document that shows your social security number should be sufficient.
If you have had your name changed due to marriage a copy of your marriage certificate or court document showing the name change is necessary.
If you are claiming unclaimed funds for a deceased person, you will need to provide documentation that shows your relationship or right to claim the funds. These could be an obituary of court documents listing you as the representative of the estate. If there is not a valid will or trust, the unclaimed funds office will follow Utah’s interstate succession rules. If you have any questions, the best thing to do is contact the office for help.
It generally takes about two to three weeks to process a claim. Claiming for an heir or a business usually takes longer.
If there are any questions you can contact the Utah Unclaimed Property office at 801 715-3300 of claim@utah.gov .
The mailing address is:
Treasurer’s Office
Unclaimed Property Division
PO Box 140530
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-0530
Did you know you can make money finding unclaimed money for other people?
There is a little known business that lets you do that. Unclaimed money finders locate people that don’t know they money being held for them and help them to recover it.
In return, they charge a commission after the money is recovered.
Please click here if you would like to learn more about this business.
find unclaimed money
See if I have lost money
Dell, I believe I have found you some money.
trying to find if we have any unclamed money.
I have a claim, yet I need to prove it’s me by providing information for the address I grew up at. We moved from that house while I was in Junior High School. Where can I find the proof I need for that address? It was over 40 years ago that I lived there.
Identity theft is a sick crime….I found lots of policies with names from my contact list. How sick is that…..turning it over to FBI
What are you referring to?
We found two unclaimed insurance policies for my grandmother who died over 20 years ago. The documentation requirements to claim them will be challenging, especially after this long. All we know is that each policy is worth more than $250. Is there any way to find out exactly how much is unclaimed so we know if it’s worth the tremendous amount of work it will take to gather all the information?
call the department and tell them that you are an heir and you wanted to know the amount so that you could file the appropriate probate/estate docs; small estate affidavit or larger estate.
small estate maxes out at 10K
My grandma found some old surplus funds certificate from her mom at a bank I can’t find any info on the bank or that kind of certificate is there anywhere or anyone I could talk to about these for her. I tried the link above but found nothing for her. They are from the 1950s
If the bank is closed. Find out where it was registered (the state). Search the Secretary of State sight (for that state) to get business information. It’ll provide you with insights as to when and if it was dissolved, if its been purchased and acquired, a point of contact in terms of a registered agent or company official
Try to find out if I got some unclaimed money here in utah
Hello there I trying to find to see if I have unclame funds
Did you go here and enter your name:
A David Ransom, Salt Lake City does come up in the search with money being held.
keep getting thee wrong state trying to find money in texas
Are you clicking on the actual map on a phone? It’s small so it might go to a nearby state.
If you click on the actual link for Texas (or any state) underneath the map you shouldn’t have any problem.